
Bonded Nd-Fe-B Magnets


Bonded Nd-Fe-B magnet have very high dimensional accuracy, magnetic uniformity and consistency. It can be made into complex shapes which are difficult to be realize on sintered Nd-Fe-B magnet, and it is easy to integrate with other metal or plastic parts. Bonded Nd-Fe-B magnet is characterized by a variety of magnetization methods, low eddy-current loss and strong corrosion resistance.

  • Easy integrated forming

  • Various magnetizing patterns

  • Good magnetic uniformity

  • Strong corrosion resistance


Bonded Nd-Fe-B magnets are mainly used in the industry of information technology such as in computer hard disk drive and optical disk drive, printer / copier motor and magnetic roller, energy saving home appliances, consumer electronics and control components. Their applications for micro motors and sensors for new energy automobiles are gradually becoming new mainstream markets.


  • Power tools

  • Printer (Extrusion molding)

  • Vibration motors

  • HDD Spindle motors


粘結(jié)釹鐵硼磁體磁性能參數(shù) Magnetic Properties of Bonded Nd-Fe-B Magnets

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粘結(jié)釹鐵硼磁體磁性能參數(shù) Magnetic Properties of Bonded Nd-Fe-B Magnets

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Feature of Magnetization

Reversible Loss

Long Term Irreversible Loss

Other Properties

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 Technique——Extrusion Molding of Magnet

Shanghai San Huan Magnetics Co., Ltd is capable of suppling extrusion molded Nd-Fe-B bonded magnets by unique process to customers. Advantages of extrusion molded Nd-Fe-B bonded magnets are listed as below:

Magnets are continuously extruded to keep the same dimensions and properties along the length. Taper is negligible.

Magnets of over 1 meter in length can be achieved. And one set of hard tools can make products of different lengths.

Extruded magnets have lower porous ratio and better corrosion resistance than compression molded ones. For certain applications coating is unnecessary.

Higher performance can be expected for less resin composition than injection molded magnets.

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